How we grow-Croatia


Young Entry Asset





There aren't enough preschool programs in India. By the age of 6, even children from 35M low-income households are unable to participate in high-quality early learning activities. By guaranteeing that everyone has an equal shot, Rocket learning significantly alters society. Anganwadi centers must be transformed into thriving learning hotspots to achieve the following 3 key objectives: professional, capable, and committed organizations with culturally rooted best practices that quickly build association and a sense of belonging. Due to the regular use of WhatsApp as the primary communication channel, project scope, and volume is primarily perceived as digital, with two distinct communication messages to internal TG (parents, daycare providers, children), as well as external (Indian government and overseas founders).

Describe the creative idea

How do we grow? Rocket learning knows! Children are like rockets: curious explorers that learn extremely fast. As an answer to the client's need to make a simple, universal, effective design with a youthfulness and inclusive approach, a visual identity is developed. As a brand essence, 2 key messages are created. The first one „That's how we grow“ makes an emotional and belongingness but professional impact on external TG. Another has an impact on internal TG and consists of motivating verbs: play, explore, learn, and grow. Those motivational verbs connect with playful "Let's" that communicate an empathic, and collaborative attitude that strengthens the community. The abovementioned tagline extensions change according to the child’s level of development, which is determined by knowledge that extends across 5 domains: cognitive, physical, and social-emotional skills, literacy, and numeracy. Additionally, taglines are integrated with the morphosis of the brand character: butterfly, i.e. child development.

Describe the execution

Extended identity refers to elements of the visual identity. Interpreting the trajectory of the rocket, a striking and bold logo was created, that has both a dynamic and static version. The accented letter O represents the upward path of the child's progress and becomes the main element of the avatar (circle, line). Symbolizing personal growth, the butterfly is chosen as a brand character that could be seen in the everyday environment. During the learning process, avatar has a significant role, it becomes a personal guide that follows the child's progress: animated character that talks, sings, expresses emotions and has recognizable jingle. Each avatar phase has its message that motivates parents and daycare workers. Considering representative colors of India, vibrant complementary contrast colors are chosen. Orange represents: energy, transformation and blue: divinity and tranquility. Colors gradients summarize the concept of growth, knowledge, striving for success and a better life.