Learn To Earn


Young Entry Asset





As is outlined in the brief, in India, low income parents have limited data on their mobile devices and they rarely use them to improve their children’s education.

In this scenario, children’s attendance in Anganwadi Centers becomes crucial because the 0-6 age group is the most critical period for mental development (Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University).

How can we establish India's Anganwadi centers as "Centers of learning" and persuade poor Indian parents to take their children to daycare?

Describe the creative idea

Turn Anganwadi centers' attendance into an occasion to earn mobile data.

The more data kids will learn, the more data the parents will earn.

This will give parents an incentive to take their children to daycare, and thanks to mobile data, they can continue education at home.

In this way the brief barrier becomes the solution.

Describe the strategy

The strategy starts from the evidence that one of the barriers to children's education must be found in the limited availability of mobile data from poor Indian parents.

For this reason, precisely because they have limited resources, they might not know that education in the early stage of life is fundamental, indeed, the 0-6 age group is the most critical period for mental development.

So the first step to make digital platforms relevant for them is giving them access to them, providing them with mobile data to be used also for educational goals on social media.

Describe the execution

For every hour kids spend learning at day-care, parents will earn back the same amount in mobile data to spend in digital content.

At the end of every lesson, Anganwadi workers will generate a voucher that will be sent through Whatsapp to parents. By doing so, families will be able to enjoy digital content together at home without worrying about mobile data consumption thanks to a tangible benefit for them and their children’s future.

The activation will organically promote digital education and it's scalable on the whole country.

Finally the "The more they learn, the more you earn" concept can be exploited on different media to develop an integrated communication.