Learning Messages / Chile


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





In India there are more than 1.3 million “Anganwadi” centers for the comprehensive education of more than 30 million children, but there are many families who have not been able to visualize the importance of opting for the educational guarantees offered by these centers.

Describe the creative idea

Supported by true stories of great feats achieved by Indians who came out of rural areas, told in the simplest Bollywood-style (The most influential industry in India), but this time in a new format: The first micro-series shared through WhatsApp in which the most admired stars of the Indian industry take part.

Stories of humble origins that through learning managed to leave great messages such as Kalpana Chawla (Astronaut - first Indian woman to travel to space), Kailash Satyarthi (Nobel Peace Prize) and Dr. Verghese Kurien (Farmer Leader).

Describe the strategy

There are stories of Indian people with incredible achievements who were born in rural contexts, perfect milestones to motivate the appreciation of education with solid foundations.

People in India love Bollywood, being an industry that highly influences people’s behavior.

“Bollywood is one of the industries that is decisively mediating the behavior of modern society in India”.

Source: Study “Influence of Bollywood as a cultural industry on contemporary Indian society” - Artciencia.

More than 400 million people use WhatsApp in India, making it the perfect channel due to its low data consumption and the context of our Target.

Describe the execution

We create the first micro-series shared through WhatsApp and send it to our entire database. “Releasing” 1:30 minute episodes every week, which gives a long-term campaign, generating recognition and empathy for the characters and achieving strong penetration with Indian parents. At the end, each episode will invite you to learn about the Anganwadi’s educational plan.

And that is why, in order to make a change for children, we had to deliver the message with the most influential elements of adult pop culture.