Lighten The Mental Weight


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Describe your creative idea

Our campaign revolves around a wearable vest (30kg) symbolic of the weight of mental health conditions people have. Starting with interviews with ClubHeal Ambassadors and influencers, who bravely share their personal mental health journey, we symbolically and gradually remove the weight of someone’s shoulders and transform it into a bodysuit vest. This vest serves as a powerful visual representation of the weight carried by those facing mental health condition. By documenting the process, we bring forth real people with real stories, and a tangible item into the conversation. This raises awareness about the realities of mental illness while emphasizing the importance of community supporting, understanding and donations. It represents a collective effort to alleviate the weight off someone's shoulders, igniting meaningful change. Through our campaign, we seek to spark conversations, foster empathy, raise awareness, and drive action towards destigmatizing mental health issues.


Our campaign aims to target a diverse audience from 25 to 45 years old. Including people with mental health conditions, who may know or are related to someone, passionate advocates of mental health, millennials, Gen Z, influencers, and community members in Singapore. Our primary target media channels will include social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and partnership with local and regional press media platforms such as The Straits Times, Channel News Asia, and Mothership.

Utilizing social media features and ClubHeal’s website to expand our reach and engagement with communities interested in mental health awareness. By starting a conversation of empathy through storytelling, highlighting how their support can lighten the weight of the vest, and how important that support is to those facing mental health conditions.

To drive online donations, implement targeted ads, banners, social media post to encourage individuals to contribute to our cause.


In the first week of October, ClubHeal Ambassadors and influencers share personal mental health stories while helping construct the vest, transferring their burdens into a symbolic weight. The completed 30kg vest is unveiled on World Mental Health Day, serving as a powerful visual representation. Online donations allow the community to participate, symbolically lightening the load. The campaign spans October with PR activities, interviews, and donation drives targeting diverse audiences, aiming to destigmatize mental health.