

Young Entry Asset




Campaign Summary

MESSAGE:Your mental health issues might be sung in songs and supported by many already.

*PROBLEM: Many people try to fight the mental health issues by themselves because they feel others won’t understand the pain they have. We aim to reduce the stigma around mental health issues so that everyone including the ones who are currently struggling can have open conversations.

*IDEA: There are a lot of songs that address the mental health challenges that touched the hearts of many – not only those who are affected by issues, but also those who are not currently living with conditions. In other words, one’s struggle is many people’s struggles. To convey the message that you are not alone, we created a service to recommend a song. If someone use a hashtag #Mentalyrics (mental + lyrics) on a social media, the AI system will suggest the song that address the similar issue he/she is facing.

*SOLUTION: recommending a song you can resonate with through #Mentalyrics

In collaboration with platforms such as Youtube and spoitify, when people posts their mental health challenges with "#Mentalyrics” on social media, AI will analyze the post and suggest a song that addresses their issues. When they click the link to play the music, they also see a large numbers of views and comments, which indicates how many more in the world felt this song spoke to them. Those information help people feel that they are not alone. The positive comments to this solution will invite many others to try #Mentalyrics and will make it easier for them to talk about the mental health issues openly. Furthermore, along with a song recommendation, people will get a link to #Mentalyrics website, where they can get a suggested playlist instead of a song. They also have a chance to learn more about the issues and support they could get as well as options to donate.

Creative Insight

Shifting the perspective on mental health problems from “the weak few” to “the unspoken many.”

Especially in Asia, people’s opinions are largely influenced by the norm in the group. Stigma on mental health issues is one of the examples, such as “am I the only one who is weird?” or “they are weak, irresponsible, and making troubles.” But if we could take advantage of the crowd mentality or “the band-wagon effect,” we would be able to strategically change the perspective of many. When people use #Mentalyrics and got a song recommended, the lyrics, the number of views, and the comments of the song assure that they are not alone. They can see how others, and even those popular artists, are struggling in the similar ways. It is a strength of digital solution that we can personalize the song recommendation and clearly visualize how many others are in the same battle.