Mommy knows best



Young Entry Asset




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film depicts a world from the child’s point of view - a day spent with mom, the things that cross their way and the unusual, funny, quirky, sometimes uncomfortable and sometimes deep questions that he/she asks his/her mother about the world they live in.


More than 40 million children in India are unable to access high-quality education. As the public school system doesn’t provide enough, parental engagement has a vital role in a child's development.

But parents in India lack awareness and confidence that they can make a big difference. Those who don’t have an extensive educational background don’t feel confident enough in teaching their kids. They feel like they themselves can’t do it.

Rocket Learning's product supports caregivers from any educational experience to engage with their children in play-based learning activities for 20-30 minutes daily. By improving parental confidence and demonstrating the easy nature of learning activities for children at this age, Rocket Learning will be able to improve engagement.

Our goal is to empower parents - especially mothers - to take charge confidently in their children’s early education by raising awareness.

Strategy and Insight

Indian parents may lack confidence, but in their children’s eyes they are the providers of answers to all the questions that appear in their young, interested minds.

Kids learn about the world through their parents - they are the first source of information and create the base of the knowledge that will be built on throughout their lives.

The questions that the kids come up with can be funny, quirky, unusually deep, awkward and sometimes even intimidating. But humans throughout history have all gone through the phase of answering those questions and quite honestly, it might even be the hardest part of parenthood - as well as the most entertaining one.

We’ll show our target audience - the young parents from India who lack confidence in their abilities to teach their children - that in fact, they are teaching and doing the hard work every day by answering the most challenging questions anybody ever gets asked.

We’ll try to make them see themselves through the eyes of their children - as the person, who knows everything about everything and will boost their confidence by making them realize their actual role and importance in their children’s lives.