#NoRingFinger - Integrated 2024 - The M


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Written Submission

Our target audience is urban youngsters who feel disconnected with CEFMUs – in distance & in mindset/ lifestyle.

So we want to approach them with a relatable question. “When will you get married?” is among the scariest questions urban youngsters get. Career, freedom, time for selfcare,… are reasons why they don’t want to get married early. But in rural areas, there are youngsters who have a dream of career, freedom, time for selfcare but never have it, because they are forced under CEFMUs. THEY DON'T EVEN GET ASKED.

Creative idea: #NoRingFinger

We want to create a gesture. As a response from urban youngsters to the annoying questions and as their advocacy to a rural sister in need.

The gesture is to show your ring finger, with no ring on it. Yup, not married yet. Raise your left ring finger to those who asked you “When will you get married?” and raised your right one, to speak up on behalf of a sister in rural area, against CEFMUs.

Overall Deployment Plan:

- Firstly: drop the teaser on #NoRingFinger in collaboration with creators/ singers in Asian countries to trigger attention from youngsters

- Secondly: unveil the real meaning behind #NoRingFinger via launching film which is to support rural youngsters to stand again CEFMUs

- Thirdly: create social stunt & inspire youngsters in urban to spread out #NoRingFinger gesture and link all back to PLAN's website about CEFMUs for awareness

- Last but not least: collaborate with fashion brands across Asia to create #NoRingFinger merchandise which will help generate revenue for our fund against CEFMUs