Not Another Message


Young Entry Asset




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

We follow a young Indian mother as she goes about her busy daily life. As her day unfolds, she's overwhelmed by mundane, unimportant messages that don't really matter to her. In frustration, she discards her phone in a number of humorous ways until eventually she receives a message from Rocket Learning informing her that her child’s daily lesson is ready. Recognising the importance of this, she engages with the text instead of discarding her phone.


Situation: Rocket Learning is an Indian WhatsApp based technology company delivering simple and easily accessible lessons to parents to complete with their children.

Brief: Rocket Learning enables you, the parent, to become the catalyst for your kid’s future.

Objectives: Inspire young Indian mothers to engage with Rocket Learning while letting them how easy it is to access.

Strategy and Insight

Our insight:

According to Statista*, there are approximately 487 million WhatsApp users in India - making it the leading country in the world in terms of audience size and active users.

Almost half (48%) of India’s population is female, so we can estimate that well over 200 million women, including young mothers, are using WhatsApp to communicate every day.

However, they may not be aware that the app has the power to unlock vital education services for their child.


Crucially, there is a job to be done to educate not just students, but also parents - helping them to recognise that the power is, quite literally, in their hands to take control of their child’s education and future career prospects.

Our idea:

Educate the educators - highlighting to our target audience that whilst they typically receive boring and mundane WhatsApp messages every day - not every chat is created equal. Some have the power to change the future.

Target audience:

We chose a young Indian/Singaporean woman to feature in our film to directly speak to the brief’s audience. She goes about her day, nonchalantly cleaning the house, running errands, and feeling frustrated by endless messages.

She finally pauses for Rocket Learning - this moment highlights not just the importance of this notification for the woman, but also the service’s simple functionality.

It’s time for your child’s lesson - the power is in her hands to transform their future, today.
