One message that says everything.


Young Entry Asset





In India, we face a critical education crisis. Shockingly, 35 million children cannot recognize a single letter by the

age of six. The government and Rocket Learning are committed to solve this issue by transforming Anganwadi centers into vibrant centers of learning. However, we must overcome several challenges:

1. Lack of awareness: many parents are unaware of the importance of a child’s development during the ages of 0 to 6.

2. Parental perception: Parents often overlook the educational role of Anganwadi centers, since they see them as porridge centres, which hinders their child’s development and future prospects.

3. Limited mobile data and diverse socio-economic backgrounds pose challenges in reaching our target

audience effectively.

Describe the creative idea

One message that says everything. India needs to wake up! Approaching the education crisis as a national disaster, leveraging SMS alerts from the government and Rocket Learning to shock and capture parents’ attention. And by using the concept of malnutrition, which is at the core of Anganwadi centersin combination with early age education, we create a new added perception of the Anganwadi centers: “Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi”.

Describe the strategy

Insight: just as parents understand the vital importance of nourishing their children’s bodies, they should also recognize the indispensibility of nourishing their minds. Because learning is equally essential for their overall growth and development.

Let’s create a change of perception by using this no brainer as a starting point.

Describe the execution

Anyone can receive an SMS. It’s the most inclusive tool on a phone, since it uses no data. And we want to reach every parent in India. Making the message direct, alarming and simple.