Provide Roots, Get Woods!


Young Entry Asset




Describe the creative idea

A bald man with fresh hair implants, and the words; “Provide roots, get woods!”, that’s all there is to make any reader think “What?”. Totally unrelated words and visual gives us the advantage of the element of surprise. Confused brain of the reader wants an explanation, looks at the logo to see which brand created this work, “Eco…Tree?”, even more confusing! Finally, our sub-text enters and all is revealed, activated brain of the reader wants to understand more, goes to EcoTree web site.

Strategy and Insight

Hair loss and deforestation is not so different. In both cases a sphere shaped object loses tiny roots planted on it’s surface, both need those roots, and both have a way to plant these roots again!

Our strategy step by step is:

- Grab attention by a situation that everyone over 25 can relate, especially men.

- Create a connection between two situations,

- Use this connection to show these situations as “problematic” in an unorthodox way,

- Show the solution for the first one and offer a solution for the other.