
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Describe the strategy

LinkedIn has 100 million active users at 16-29 years old, and it’s available from the age of 16 in over 200 countries. We will announce this campaign by notifications or via Twitter & Instagram. LinkedIn already has a resume building service, so our idea is feasible.

New Zero World can Bridge the Gap between Awareness & Action by offering access to lectures and unique skills to young job seekers. LinkedIn can become a Leading Green Company introducing eco-conscious talents.

Describe the execution

For users who have chosen “Interests” of environmental issues on their LinkedIn profiles, they'll get access to E-Learning Courses that fit their skills and interests.

After finishing E-Learning Lessons, they’ll get their Personal-Green Resume based on their skills and interests. This 'Green Membership' offers priority job scouts.

Moreover, big companies will use the Green Resume, treating environmental actions as job skills. Gen-Z will post their own green actions on social media with the hashtag.