


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Describe your creative idea

Stuffed animals are to be placed on the desk of people who are suffering with mental health problems.

Our plan is to make stuffed animals “SubsTeddy” to get people to think about mental health issues as their own problems.


1. protects the places that people who are taking leave from work due to mental health problems until they come back.

2. keeps people around them aware of them and promote them for the donations.

SubsTeddy can change the way how people perceive mental health problems by their charming appearance with a silver libon.

SubsTeddy can be a trigger for people around a person with mental health issues to make donations through RWP programmes.


As people with mental health issues are disengaged

from the society, people around them are unable to support them directly and might not be able to remember them as time passes.

By protecting places for people with mental health problems and keeping people around them aware of them, we try to take a new approach to support them.

We create places for people with mental health problems through SubsTeddy.

And, we promote their colleagues and friends to make donations through the RWP programmes.


Stuffed animals are to be placed on the desk of people who are taking a leave from work.

Through QR code on SubsTeddy, donations to people with mental health issues can be made, and also individual messages can be sent.

We are releasing OOH and digital ads where SubsTeddy are named after people with mental health problems.

Through the ads, you can always feel that the person who is taking a leave from work is close to you.

We are organizing events where stuffed animals get together and to show that they are not fighting alone on the 10th, Oct.

Also, we create the community of attendants through the event.