The Green Like


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Describe the strategy

Social media is the bread and butter of our target audience. It also acts as a megaphone for younger people voicing their issues. Therefore, we wanted to further develop this concept.

Through partnering up with TikTok, Youtube and Meta we are introducing a new social currency in social media, The Green Like. By creating a like button for environmental change we enable young people to cheer on heroes of change and give them a larger audience, thus controlling the climate change agenda.

Posts and videos which gain substantial amounts of green likes will go viral, encouraging people to be more active in the climate discussion.

With our bottom-up approach, we focus on unifying people all over the world with a common goal, continuously showing and inspiring each other. Systematic change cannot happen without enough pressure from the outside, and our community will only be the beginning.

Describe the execution

Creating a new function in social media, The Green Like, will bring a lot of natural media attention. Remember when Meta introduced their story function years ago? Our feature will produce the same buzz, if not more!

To further give the campaign a flying start, we will collaborate with climate activist celebrities to reach out to as many young people as possible around the world.

Other paid media channels such as OOH and Display ads will provide us with extra coverage and awareness to the changes and towards the climate crisis.

Finally, to truly reward the influencers that make a large impact on society and the climate crisis, we will every quarter invite some of these influencers to The Green Like Initiative to foster conversations between the public and large organizations, and how to roadmap the way to create systematic change.