The Journey Starts at Home


Young Entry Asset




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film begins by stating what we all wish for our childrens’ future; a good foundation based on good ethics and education - explained with the help of voiceover and simple chalk drawings on the sidewalk.

These chalk drawings then quickly start to develop, from “normal” vocations to dream jobs like being an astronaut or a professional athlete. Sound design mimicking the real sound effects of these simple drawings create a soundscape that enhances the belief that these ideas are real and near. More camera movement is introduced to accentuate these actions; bringing them to life.

The film then winds down and brings things closer to reality, reminding us that childrens’ potential is endless as the camera follows clouds up a flight of stairs. We begin to hear a mother counting fingers with her child, and ultimately landing on a family home; where potential and empowerment starts and is fostered.


There was a lot of information in the brief, but what really caught our attention was the strategy and key message; “encourage parents by showing the ease of the service coupled with their love and

believe that their kids can do big beautiful things and shape the future.”

Now the rational argument for Rocket Learning is quite clear: enable parents to take control over their childrens’ education and future by making quality education simple and available for everyone.

What we wanted to focus on, however, was making an emotional argument that resonated with all parents regardless of background, encouraging them to take action and control over their children’s future.

Another important part was adhering to the wide target audience, for an emotional argument to resonate the audience needs to be able to see themselves represented in the commercial or risk feeling alienated.

Strategy and Insight

In today’s world, there are many things that can separate oneself from reaching success; social class being one of the most prevalent. However, rather than focusing on how social status thwarts opportunities, we decided to focus on the power of imagination and how it can open up a way of thinking and understanding possibilities and potential. Not knowing what the possibilities are; that is the true dream destroyer.

The goal of our film is to implore mothers and parents all over the world to dare to dream bigger - and to empower them to begin that journey at home. In order to do so, we needed to find a way to connect and communicate with the target audience, despite ourselves being very far removed from both the physical place intended, but also the demographic. The approach we decided on was to tell the story with simple child-like chalk drawings on different outdoor textures, because it felt more important to us that the viewer feel represented and feel a connection with the visuals rather than feel distanced by ‘actors’ in the frame who may not be suitably relatable.

With our film's “imaginative” approach we manage to convey the key message and strategy of empowering parents to become the catalyst for their children’s future. All the while not excluding anybody by miss representing the target audience.

We inspire parents to believe in themselves and their children’s future - So Rocket Learning can take care of the rest.