The perfect air purifier already exists



Young Entry Asset




Describe the creative idea

The images of New York city with orange pollution were all over the internet. Almost every young adult on Tiktok talked about one amazing air purifier they need to buy. We wanted to draw attention to the already existing perfect and most ecological air purifier in the world - the tree. At the same time, our goal was to show them that you can buy it in a simple step.

Strategy and Insight

People often want to make a positive difference and contribute to environmental causes but may not always know how or where to start, and they think it’s time-consuming. There is a need for tangible actions that individuals can take to address environmental problems.

Our brief was to find a catchy visual to get people curious and also explain what EcoTree does in simple, impactful print. Through the shopping banner, we want to address people how simple it is to take action.

Our target audience was urbans missing connections to nature. They are caring about the environment and following world events.