The Smiling Moon / Finland


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Rocket Learning has been expanding rapidly and needs a new empowering brand identity to get to the next level. The brief is to design an overarching brand identity including a logo, tagline, and an avatar. The identity needs to give a professional image of the disruption organization with a grass root feel that exists to uplift people from intergenerational learning poverty. The identity is to be designed to create as a small amount of production costs as possible, hoping to create interest among government, investors, and collaborators. The design is to be created to fit for heavy scalability due to the rapid expansion of the organization.

Describe the creative idea

The creative idea of the design “The Smiling Moon” is inspired by the upward-facing crescent moon of India, known by all walks of life. It symbolizes the happy home of hopes and dreams, femininity, and parenthood. For some, it represents technological leaps or even a dream of someday becoming a vyomanaut (Indian equivalent for astronaut).

The brand communicates to a very wide range of people varying from individual children living in poverty to highly educated investors, officials, and government officials. The moon represents something universal, something known by every human being in India to work as a beacon for the people and empower them to reach for the moon and make their dreams come true.

Describe the execution

The design represents hope, the strength of community, and technology. The logo wakes up in the morning as the moon becomes an avatar, helping kids with their tasks and adults with their communication. The Smiling Moon also extends to emojis, creating a set of emotions used for tracking the tasks and giving feedback.

The tagline "Home for Equal Learning" emphasizes the catalyzing role of Rocket Learning, making quality learning opportunities available for all children, regardless of their background. The design is created to work in WhatsApp and Youtube environments with emojis and a new, avatar of The Smiling Moon. The new identity creates endless possibilities for future evolution, expanding to nutrition, sleep, animations, scholarships, and environmental education, to name a few.