Tie School Ribbon, Not The Knot



Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Written Submission

People get disenfranchised when supporting a cause that they CANNOT SEE directly. So, we give the fight against CFMEUs a “fashionable makeover” inspired the Y2K Craze for an eye-catching item -”THE SCHOOL RIBBON”.

MORE THAN AESTHETIC, School Ribbons represent a gir’s access to education as teenagers, and freedom for self-expression as adulthood. Most importantly, they unite girls altogether, giving the fight against CFMEUs a more engaging & visual experience

Thus, introducing "Tie School Ribbon, Not The Knot" - A United Fashion Statement for Girls of All Age & Background to plea for young girls’ right in pursuing further education & escaping CEFMUS..

The movement is implemented across Social Media, E-commerce & Offline channels, with expected timeline of a year (and ability to scale & extend), targeting meaningfully at the community in Urban & Rural Areas