U Not Wear The Veil


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Written Submission


Every day, 120,000 children are forced into marriage, with 28 girls being forced into marriage every minute.

However, this tragic reality is not well understood by many of today's young people. In this era of information explosion, the issue of child, early, and forced marriages (CEFMUs) is often overlooked, making it difficult for young individuals to be aware of this problem

Our goal is to encourage our young target audience to take an interest in the CEFMUs issue and provide a simple way to take action against it.


We've noticed young people they are curious about new things and pay attention to the latest trends When a brand announces the unveiling of a new product, they are sure to be super excited.

Another group of young people

They are not anticipating an "Unveil“ Instead,

they urgently need to "Unveil" – to remove the veil of forced marriage.

These are the many children in child marriages. They are forced into veils, compelled into marriage, losing their freedom.


Use an special unveil event that the young people who interesting

to convey that there are other young individuals around the world who also need to unveil.

This hat will serve as a tangible symbol for ending Child, Early, and Forced Marriage.

By involving celebrities and organizing unique offline Unveil events, we aim to spark the interest of young people, creating a trend that deepens their understanding of the CEFMUs issue.

Finally, through donating hats to rural areas, we empower children in these regions to receive hats, letting them know that they have the choice to wear their own hats rather than being forced into marriage veils.