What`s your Squall?



Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Campaign Summary

In order to enhance social inclusion of people with mental health conditions, we nudge people to share their mind through Weather App notification. We define Squall Time as Time for self-disclosure, which is made by Singapore's unique weather daily. Collaborating with myENV, the most popular weather app in Singapore, we send users notifications like "Tell someone nearby how you are feeling", "What lie that you've told your mom?” when Squalls hit the location where app users are. Through the brief dialogue brought about by this squall, people can practice revealing their hearts to others and confiding in others, feeling more psychologically secure than ever before. And if this short conversation becomes a social habit, it can be a great way to enhance social inclusion of people with mental health conditions.

Creative Insight

The campaign offers a new experience of interaction during the time that Singapore residents are stuck in heavy rain, which they experience almost every day. The variety of heartwarming experiences given in that bored time encourages many people to engage in online speech. For example, TikTok allows people to send out owned videos of themselves interviewing people during a squall, and TikTokers can participate in that format. You can also post stories of new encounters on Instagram, or use the on this day feature on Facebook to reminisce about a memorable little chat.