You Smell Good


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




Describe the creative idea

By partnering with a high-end French perfume producer, we’ll develop a high-quality, limited-edition fragrance inspired by the essence of the forest, enabling our luxury seeking, climate conscious male dominated audience to reconnect with nature.

Our consumers want to feel good about themselves, invest in their futures, and purchase quality products. For many, having a positive impact on the planet is a secondary concern in a purchase decision. If we close the gap between feeling good, doing good and smelling good by offering them a new product that’s both exclusive and planet conscious, we can turn combating climate change into a status symbol.

We want to play in the ever growing trend of collector culture. Our consumers are competitive. They have a desire to be unique. That’s why access to the limited edition fragrance drop will only be available for consumers who have purchased EcoTree Carbon Credits.