


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





Rocket Learning is one of the India's leading non-profits organizations that support early childhood education (ECE) and community engagement, but its branding doesn’t reflect who they are and what they do, is old-fashioned, not surprising and doesn't make people look twice.

Describe the creative idea

Rocket Learning is all about people. People are the essence and heart of what they do, so we created an iconic graphic system that turns the kids, their parents, the Anganwadi workers, the funders and any supporter into a rocket.


Everyone looks at the organization as the rocket, but the real rockets are them and their purpose and destination: learn, help, teach, donate, etc.

Describe the execution

Inspired by the kid’s imagination and their ability to be whatever they want, even being a rocket, which only would take just to run, jump, and raise their hands like a nose cone to become one.

The graphic system cleverly incorporates the human bodies and a rocket shape, working as a logo, mascot or avatar. The system uses several colors and types of bodies to symbolize the diversity and inclusivity; thus, being able to inspire further designs representing races, nutrition and education elements or applications in schools, parks, streets and merchandising.