You've got a message from The Future


Young Entry Asset





For many young Indians the future looks bleak. Lack of education, high unemployment and rising crime, makes it hard for hope and optimism to live on.

So, as an Indian mother, it can be hard to imagine a better future for your child.

BUT, fortunately Indian mothers are invested in their children’s education and can play a vital role in shaping a brighter future for their children and society at large by making sure that their children get access to early education.

To change the perception of India’s Anganwadi Centers, we want to show them the impact that early education can have on their child’s future by talking straight to their hearts.

Describe the creative idea

Insight: It is a mother’s instinct to want the best for their children. When you provide your child with an education, you give them something bigger: a future.

With our campaign, every Indian mother, with a child enrolled in an AWC, will receive a very special message on WhatsApp. A message from the future. The future being their child thanking them for sending them to an Anganwadi center and telling them about where they are now and how well they are doing.

In reality the message will be written by an AI, built using data from Rocket Learning. This means we can tailor the messages to fit the mothers child specifically, so it feels even more personal.

Describe the strategy

Our target audience is indian mothers age 18-35 that are invested in their children's education. So, what if we could show and emphasize the impact that early education can have on a child’s future life - and creatively communicate that message through a media platform that the mothers already use everyday?

We know from the brief that the target audience spends most of their time on WhatsApp. So, this is where we will get our message through.

Describe the execution

We launch the campaign on Mothers Day through WhatsApp. Every mother gets a heartwarming message from their child 25 years out in the future thanking them for providing them with early education from the AWC and eventually giving them a future.

The message will be personalized based on data and give the mother a look into what a future could look like for their child.

After receiving a message from the future, the AI Chatbot will nudge the mothers to ask questions and learn more about Anganwadi and the importance of early education.

To ensure future attendance in the AWC the mothers will occasionally receive new messages from their “child” reminding them of the importance of early education.