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Gold Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Creative B2B?

Piñatex main objective is to change completely the harmful leather industry by targeting fashion brands from all over the world (b2) to switch to Piñatex, instead of animal leather, for a more sustainable fashion industry. According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Next to the oil industry, leather is one of the most polluting production sectors in the world. Could the green answer to leather be found on pineapple leaves?


According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Next to the oil industry, leather is one of the most polluting production sectors in the world.

Every year over 2.5 million tons of pineapple are grown in the Philippines.

While the fruit is packaged to feed people all over the world, pineapple leaves are left behind. For every ton of pineapples harvested, 3 tons of leaves are wasted. And when left to rot could create methane emissions over 20 times more harmful than CO2. To make a change. Dole, one of the largest producers of pineapples in the world, partnered with Ananas Anam to produce Piñatex. A vegan, cruelty-free and sustainable leather alternative; made from the fiber of pineapple leaves that would otherwise go to waste.

Describe the creative idea

Dole, one of the largest producers of pineapples in the world, partnered with Ananas Anam to produce Piñatex A vegan, cruelty-free and sustainable leather alternative; made from the fiber of pineapple leaves that would otherwise go to waste.

While other vegan alternatives are plastic based and ecologically toxic, Piñatex

is a sustainably sourced textile with a closed loop production. After the rescued pineapple leaves become Piñatex, the residual leaf biomass is converted into natural fertilizer providing a truly eco-friendly option for the fashion industry.

There is no need for extra land, water or land to grow it. In the past, the leaves have been left to rot or they have been burnt. By valorizing the pineapple harvesting, we have saved 825 tons of leaves to be burnt, and therefore saved 264 CO2 eq tons to be released into the atmosphere a year. No hazardous chemicals used in production.

Describe the strategy

The strategy was basically to create a product that looks and feels as great as leather without the terrible impact in our planet. Also, a sustainable product that doesn't utilize plastic like other vegan alternatives that are plastic based and ecologically toxic, and Piñatex ticks all the boxes:

"Piñatex® is one of those rare products of design thinking that hits all the sustainability buttons at once: it is a material that is completely cradle to cradle, it substitutes leather that has a very heavy environmental and welfare impact, and it brings new income streams to subsistence farmers, allowing them to fully utilize their crops. The implementation of Piñatex® will have far-reaching societal and environmental benefits.”CLARE BRASS DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT 22

Describe the execution

To make a change. Dole, one of the largest producers of pineapples in the world, partnered with Ananas Anam to produce Piñatex. A vegan, cruelty-free and sustainable leather alternative; made from the fiber of pineapple leaves that would otherwise go to waste.While other vegan alternatives are plastic based and ecologically toxic, Piñatex is a sustainably sourced textile with a closed loop production. After the rescued pineapple leaves become Piñatex, the residual leaf biomass is converted into natural fertilizer providing a truly eco-friendly option for the fashion industry.

List the results

We completely surpassed our expectations. Over 200 brands in more than 80 countries are now using Piñatex. Including major fashion players like Hugo Boss, H&M and Nike who uses Piñatex to create their happy pineapple sneaker collection, made of the Dole's pineapples leaves that would otherwise go to waste. Production scale up by 10x this year. But that's not all, Piñatex brings socio-economic stability in the rural areas of the Philippines. It provides job security and diversifies income streams. At the farming level jobs have been created in multiple areas; leaf gathering, fibers extraction, logistics and quality control systems. Furthermore, our business model is unlocking commercial potential for natural fibers in developing countries: strengthening global value chains for rural development, poverty alleviation and the environment. Piñatex is part of Dole's ongoing efforts to achieve zero waste from its farms by 2025.

Please tell us how disruption in your market inspired the work

The leather industry, is one of the most polluting industries in our planet. We wanted to change it, making fashion brands become more sustainable. So through disruption, and collaboration Piñatex was born. Made from pineapple leaves that would otherwise go to waste, Dole and Ananas Anam joined forces to tackle this problem, the impact that Piñatex had so far surpassed all the expectations.

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