Creative Strategy > Partnerships & Perspectives




Silver Cannes Lions
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Case Film




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By making 35 million of our soda cans available as a media channel for any brand willing to sponsor Women's Soccer, in fact, we have given new strategic and creative meaning to our product and have arrived at a place that other players have never reached before: the media plans of many brands.

We adopted dark social, as one of the main strategies to ensure mobilization of people in the cause.

More than an innovative movement using our product as an asset to tell a story and uniting great brands organically, we have also hacked communities that pushed the


Brazil is well known as the country of soccer, but there is a huge gap between investments in men's and women's soccer. Brands invest millions more in men's soccer than in Women's, always under the excuse that men's soccer offers more visibility to them and that visibility is also disproportionate in press coverage. Although gender representation is an important issue for most brands, they fail to make this point valid in one of the most representative places in Brazilian society: football itself. As sponsors of the National Women's Football League, how can we help to change this scenario and engage not only brands, but the people to give them more visibility? Solving this challenge, making Guaraná Antárctica the leading brand of this cause in Brazil and building equity for the public from that, was one of the biggest business objectives.


Guaraná Antárctica, a 100% Brazilian brand, has supported Women's Soccer in Brazil, which is still a very beloved sport, but they're very undervalued for girls. For this reason, one of Guaraná's business challenges has been to build equity for the consumer based on this theme to reinforce the brand's connection with Brazilians.

In 2020, Guaraná took an important step and started sponsoring the Brazilian Women's soccer Championship. At that moment, we saw we were one of the few sponsors and we had the opportunity to act in that gap. Therefore, we understand that to give more incentive, more sponsors were needed. That's why we changed our target to brands and not just to the consumer. Because they are the ones that would help us to legitimately change the reality of this sport and, consequently, generate equity and brand consideration, based on this subject, for the final public.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

Insight: We realized that Brazilian brands do not sponsor women's football due to a lack of audience. If we are one of the largest soft drink brands in the country, we also have one of the largest audiences in millions of cans of ours that circulate every day.

Deep research: Then, we did internal trade marketing research, deep data research to materialize this audience in cans and use it as an argument showing that we are even bigger than a TV channel.

Shared Media: We encourage the public to mention social media brands that they should sponsor, in addition to activating business clusters to attract major sponsoring brands.

Hacking Communities: And to engage these people, we map on dark social, on closed channels, football communities, women and fans to pressure brands to come up with.

Legacy: We involved a partner organization "Meninas em Campo" to allocate the sponsorships collected.

Creative Idea

The idea is pretty simple: Guaraná Antarctica is the second highest selling soda in Brazil. Everyday, millions of people lay their eyes on our cans: an audience as big as any TV show, Digital Influencer or YouTube Channel. So, we decided to make something entirely new: transforming our own product into a media placement and offering 35 million cans to whichever brand that was willing to invest money in women's soccer. The new logos were printed into them, replacing ours.

Outcome / Results

The campaign was widely covered by Brazilian media, both through the invitation as well as the announcement of the chosen brands. The campaign hashtag #ApoieOFutFeminino is still being used by women's soccer fans, having organically reached Twitter Trending Topics two times in the campaign. We had over 160M earned media impressions.

The most important results come now: over 100 brands applied to the spot. 10 of them were chosen and donated $100.000 each to sponsor Women Soccer. Overall, the campaign raised $2,5M for women's soccer academies. Some brands went further: Puma offered their factories to make soccer kits for free, the bank BMG fully sponsored a women's soccer club and ESPN decided to broadcast Women's National Finals for the first time ever.

We used our product to spread a powerful message in markets in stores in every corner of Brazil, reaching places that traditional media is not present.

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