Creative Data > Creative Data


SANTO USA, Miami / COCA-COLA / 2020

CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image




Why is this work relevant for Creative Data?

Because the whole campaign is based on data recollected from real Google searches, which was used to fuel the creative strategy and execution.

Even though today's adolescents are courageous and authentic, this generation has the same fears as any adolescent from any other time. Their fears are the same, they have not changed over time. What has evolved are the different ways to deal with them.

Today, they prefer to ask Google rather than their parents or friends.That is why, in creating this campaign, we started with Google, so we could understand these worries in depth.


The Challenge: to slow the drop in sales by launching a culturally relevant campaign aimed at Gen Z, that would further our mission to become an emblematic brand for them.

The general objectives: to connect emotionally and intimately with Generation Z / Becoming a Badge-Brand / Stop Falling Sales.

The KPI used to reflect these objectives:

1. Image Objectives

A. Increasing the Brand Love level vs. the same period the previous year +5%. (October 2018 vs. 2019)

B. Increasing the "For someone like me" indicator vs. same period in the previous year +5%. (October 2018 vs. 2019)

2. Campaign Objectives

A. Generating an 80% Positive Feeling

B. Reaching a 10% Organic Viral Rate

C. Going from 5% video views to a 100% (watching the video in its full length).

3. Business Objectives

A. Slowing down the sales drop rate by more than 5 points.

Describe the creative idea / data solution

Gen Z deep dives into internet searches to deal with their fears privately and anonymously, where they feel more secure; they don’t realize there are millions of other adolescents going through similar situations, young people they could connect with to ease their tensions, without losing authenticity.

The idea was to take the first step and put "taboo" issues Gen Zers are worried about on the table – and by doing so connect them with other young people who are in the same situation, so they can share experiences in a safe environment, and also show they are not alone. Easing tensions, lowering anxiety and opening up new possibilities.

We created a digital ecosystem within the environment these digital natives live in, inviting them to share their fears and anxieties with other young people who are in the same situation, using social media and anonymous forums.

Describe the data driven strategy

Based on data provided by Google, we identified the most common tensions and designed a connecting strategy, based on engagement and co-creation through influencers' content and the empowerment of the audience.

We opened different chat rooms in Reddit and through digital banners, we invited young people to join them and find a place where they could reveal their personal "tensions" and worries, discovering that many others were going through the same issues.

We also selected influencers related to each issue, who would start the conversation from a place of personal experience, mentioning each issue that needed visibility, and providing a safe and comfortable space where their followers could interact with others by guiding them to the Reddit chat rooms.

We continue with amplification (weekly videos and segmented content), real time interaction (new issues and conversations) and Gay Pride Parade (a special piece produced to coincide with annual LGBQT+ Pride Parade)

Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output

Explained above.

List the data driven results

1. Google search results:

6.678.646 look for “I have boobs that are too small”

5.993.714 look for “I´m bisexual”

820.570 look for “I’m taller than normal”

4.994.762 look for “I have boobs that are too big”

6.245.588 look for “Im still virgin”

478.659 look for “I never kissed anyone”

29.968.569 look for “I don’t like going out”

2.497.381 look for “I’m trans”

15.933.541 look for “I don't know what to do (in life)”

2. Image results:

- Brand Love versus same period the previous year +11.9% (+6.9% vs objective)

- "For someone like me" versus same period the previous year +9.6% (+4.6% vs objective)

3. Campaign results:

- Positive Sentiment: 88.3% (+8.3% vs objective).

- Organic Viral rate: 23.5% (+13.5% vs objective)

4. Engagement result: equivalent to 35% of Coca-Cola Christmas campaign.

5. The "Pride" campaign results:

3 trending topics

+20 Free media

+300,000 interactions

+17 million impressions

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