Cannes Lions

2017 JDxTransformers Campaign


Presentation Image
Case Film
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JD vans are widely known to the Chinese consumers, and they have become part of the asset of JD brand thanks to its high identification. That perfectly coincides with the setting of autobots in Transformers. The trucks for the retail business of JD are a perfect match with the Autobots in the Transformers series. Our creative was based on the synopsis “JD Autobots rescue Bumblebee”. JD and Hasbro jointly produced a 90-second short video in which JD transformer “Red Knight” and little JOY rescue Bumblebee together, and in order to align closely with the IP core, we rendered with full CG animation effect, which is different from conventional placement and montage. This will help promote sales as consumers are willing to pay for “justice” and “hero complex”, the theme advocated by video.


After receiving a brief from the client, we spent 57 days preparing the content creative, developed the communication theme “JD transformers summon the heroes” as well as the video creative and main visual expression form, and then produced the 90-second short video starring the “Red Knight” in cooperation with Hasbro. Afterwards, we spent some 40 days on modeling, production and assembly and finally built the JD transformer into a 17m high metal sculpture weighing 3 tons, which toured a number of cities including Beijing, Chengdu and Suqian. At the same time, we also launched online ads and social platform communication in combination with offline events.


In this campaign, some 100 million traffics were generated inside and outside, with exposure exceeding 130 million person-times, including 3 million interactions in social media. The ingenious combination of JD with Transformers, plus outstanding creative contents delivered conversions beyond expectations - page views of event entry at the JD app, page views, and number of participants and reposts of the game on the website, and clicks on the button for switching to the sales page in the game all created new highs. In addition to the strong growth of brand exposure, the campaign also promoted sales conversion on the JD platform, creating daily sales record of Hasbro - the order sum and JD film ticket orders were 11 times and 5.6 times those in 2016 respectively (source: JD sales statistics)

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