Cannes Lions

A life to see

VMLY&R , Santiago / MOVISTAR / 2019

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Situation: In Chile, unfortunately accidents caused by distracted drivers have increased by 25,000 in the last six years, accidents that mostly result in death, a reality that today has increased and has not been considered a problem real among Chileans.

Brief: For the national holidays of our country, the time of year where the great majority of traffic accidents are concentrated, we are asked to create a campaign to raise awareness among people who will travel for days throughout the country.

Objectives: Create awareness with our film, viralize it and try to generate a change in the largest possible number of Chileans during these national holidays, since being a telecommunications company that sells phones, give an example of the damage they can cause and declare that we are aware of this.


#ALifetosee is a film that tells a series of special moments in the life of a couple. Sorrows, joys, games, tears, laughter and various emotions that we all live in day to day, ingredients that make us feel alive. When portraying all this in the film, the idea was to show that life has nuances and that there are still thousands of things that we have yet to discover and that it is just a moment to lose everything forever, that is why our message; that if you still have a life to see do not lose sight of what is in front when you drive or you will never live it.


Our strategy was simple; launch the film on all our platforms and try to reach as many viewers as possible. Facebook and Instagram helped as channels that viralized our film, always redirecting to our Youtube channel that hosted the piece. Once the film was released, many media joined, both national and international, who valued the intention to treat this delicate subject in a creative and impactful way.


One of the most difficult challenges of the film was to make each of the characters travel through different ages, which is due to an excellent job of makeup and casting, which allowed us to generate a synergy between each of the actors and the stages they represent in the piece as a family. In addition, the piece has a careful photographic treatment that contributes to the naturalness, the passage of time and moments of happiness and sadness that becomes the soul of what we wanted to transmit with the film.


The results were overwhelming, more than 10MM of reproductions in our Youtube channel days before and after the national holidays with more than 7000 positive comments, more than 40 publications in national and international media, adding mentions in interviews by important state members and road safety ministry, all inviting to see the film and become aware. But we believe it is even more important, that thousands of Chileans shared the film on their social networks and invited friends and family to take precautions on this issue.

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