Cannes Lions

A new Axe for a new man


Case Film
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The need to gain credibility and the development of a local concept would strongly support this new speech. For this,

there were chosen different personalities that were real, attainable and authentic, not typical celebrities.

Martín Inthamoussú is a dancer and choreographer from the Uruguayan national ballet.

Belen Marenales is a woman, a Twitter personality and communicator, with no fear for changes that shows

herself authentically, in both physical appearance and attitude, recognized for her rebellious spirit, brave and with no

filters. Yes, a woman was one of the main spokespersons of a traditionally.

Boomerang is one a music band that marked a new direction in Uruguayan rock and that today is still changing.

Joaquín Pastorino, the typical boy next door, has become the most important fashion referents in Uruguay.

At last but not least,Lucas Madrid is alocal surfer. With his relaxed style, he is the one that closes the



In addition, we developed our own version of Axe's global masculinity study to provide specific data on Uruguayan


The influencers became the personification of Axe; they strengthened the message in their social network’s assets

and gave interviews in various media contextualizing the campaign.

Axe introduced a new debate in our society, becoming into a topic of current and relevant conversation, which

aroused the interest of local media, achieving a significant number of media spaces. Even achieved the magazine

cover of one of Uruguay’s most read publications!

When something is real and perceived as credible, it inspired beyond our goals. This was the case. One of the

ambassadors ended up creating a contemporary ballet work conveying the message of the campaign. In November,

the show premiered on the billboard of thethe show premiered on the billboard of the Victoria Theater (one of the most important in the country) where people


The campaign reached different audiences, helping to change Axe traditional perception and building new

credentials with an engagement as a communication strategy.

The action was amplified in more than 25 relevant Uruguayan media, including press, radio, tv and digital.

The #FindYourMagic hashtag (filtered for Uruguay) generated more than 12 million digital impressions!

Every show of Axe’s Manada (the name of the show of contemporary ballet inspired by Axe) got sold out tickets,

becoming a blockbuster success!

94% of the target was reached and the ROI was 183%

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