Cannes Lions


TBWA\COPENHAGEN, Copenhagen / TBWA / 2003

Presentation Image






With the press focused on the risk of street riots between anti-capitalists and the establishment prior to the summit, we thought it would be interesting to see what happens when you mix the two – rather than letting them clash. So we made the hat. A blend of anarchism and the lucrative world of fashion. We wanted to tell people who and what TBWA\Copenhagen is in an emotional way. Not by trying to describe it through words. The mailer was sent out to press and clients two days prior to the EU summit.


We got lots of press coverage in the Danish and Swedish broadsheet and tabloid papers. It was thought that the hat was good fun and a really creative approach. The aim was to get beyond the advertising industry magazines and show that TBWA\Copenhagen doesn’t only exist in that particular world. The hat was very popular with our clients. It gave them something to laugh about and think about at the same time. Very few people misunderstood the purpose of the hat, and nobody thought that we were actually encouraging people to use it for violent purposes – even though we did in fact get a phone call from the local police, asking us what we were doing (it’s illegal to disguise your identity when demonstrating in Denmark).Denmark)!

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2014, ENI S.P.A.

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