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Adviser Connect

OMD, Singapore / NTUC INCOME / 2016

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Singaporeans consistently rank in bottom 3 among 19 markets in their financial know-how. Specifically for insurance and financial planning, we are conscious of the need, but the benefits aren’t immediately visible.

That said, insurance agents have to actively pursue people to take up insurance plans, and are (let’s face it), shunned like the plague. A whopping 90% of our leads are initiated by agents.

NTUC Income created a platform to show consumers that insurance agents aren’t necessarily the enemy. In fact, with lifestyles very similar to yours, they’re the best people to speak to about your financial future. Our challenge as an insurance company, was to be seen as a partner who really understood your needs instead of blindly pushing products. And to be as responsive as the young target audience (in the generation of instant messaging) needed us to be.


- Adviser Connect is a website. And we needed to direct traffic and usage.

- Facebook ads, Google display network, Yahoo ads – our targeting filters are broad to capture youths with different interests. With low financial literacy among the youth, we had to target people from different backgrounds and varied interests.

- Time: Ads were placed when there is a higher availability of financial adviser

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