Cannes Lions

African American


Case Film
Presentation Image






According to the CNN/Kaiser family foundation poll on race in America, 27% of African-Americans said they felt they had been denied a job they were qualified for compared to just 9% of their white peers. That means it’s 3x harder for them to find a job.

Our objective was to convey that HP is creating a culture that enables you to belong, innovate, and grow.

To illustrate this, we took the aforementioned statistic and married it with an insight around the much heard interview phrase, “we’ll be in touch,” which is a polite way to say, “we don’t intend to call you back,” and it’s unfortunately a phrase African-Americans hear more frequently, to the point of discouragement. It sounds harmless, but it hurts. We used this film to call intention to unconscious bias and encourage people responsible for hiring to follow through with more thoughtful consideration.


HP was committed to taking action, in addition to raising awareness through the video. The goals for the #ReinventMindsets African-American campaign were centered around internal self-evaluation of how to address the issues of unconscious bias within HP, to create dialogue within the tech community, as well as to help foster the development of the next generation of talent to recruit at HP and like-minded organizations. To achieve this, the video was launched while simultaneously 1. starting unconscious bias training within the entire HP organization and 2. kicking off a business school challenge and internship program in partnership with historically black colleges (HCBUs) nationwide this Spring, in order to provide hands-on experience and create a pipeline of diverse talent. We used social targeting on LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter and YouTube allowed us to reach our demographic of up-and-coming talent and like-minded businesses.


The Reinvent Mindsets campaign was covered favorably with a front-page profile in AdAge on HP’s diversity initiatives, and selected as an “Editor’s Pick” from Creativity. The work was also featured prominently in an op-ed articulating HP's stance on the issue on Huffington Post, and also garnered 120,000 video views on launch day, with 7.2 million social media impressions. Web traffic from the campaign to showed visitors and candidates spent 6 times more time on-site than in the past 2 months. Internal company reaction was also very positive, with employees expressing pride in their workplace in social media and on internal communications channels.

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