Spikes Asia

All For That First Hello

J. WALTER THOMPSON, Shanghai / BAYER / 2016


1 Bronze Spikes Asia
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Case Film
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Case Film
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In China, couples planning for a baby often think that folic acid is enough for healthy baby development. Not entirely true. While Elevit is a form of folic acid, it comes with multivitamins too. That’s extra protection for babies. To get China to realise they should do everything to protect


In China, expecting fathers are not allowed into ultrasound rooms. This reality makes it hard for Chinese fathers to feel involved in the pregnancy, inadvertently creating an emotional distance between them and their wives. So much so, this has been accepted as a way of life. All for That First Hello is a film that documents how Elevit created a wearable device that gave three fathers-to-be an experience they have been missing out. Shaped like a detachable pocket, this device recreates the pulsating sensation of their unborn babies’ heartbeats via ultrasound data. With their wives by their side, the fathers experienced their baby’s heartbeat against their chest. Immediately it dawned on them that this was the first time they felt so close to their babies, overwhelming them with joy.


This was an intricate campaign that required many moving parts. Alongside the process of casting real-life pregnant couples with stories of their struggles, we were also building the wearable device that captured the baby’s heartbeat.

Ultrasound data was captured from fetal dopplers and processed into a soundwave which was synced real-time to a mobile app via the cloud. The wearable device comprises a BLE 4.0 Arduino board, a LiPo battery and vibrating motors with a step-up regulator.

Filming the documentary was a delicate process as careful planning was required to ensure the fathers had no idea what’s to come so that we can extract the most genuine of emotions.

Seeding the filming took proper planning with the right kind of key opinion leaders in the field of family planning as well as mainstream social celebrities.

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