Cannes Lions
In prostitution, no one takes pleasure except for the crime ring, which makes money off of enslaved workers, men and women who suffer everyday from physical violence and psychological abuse. In this movie, we wanted to denounce this violence in a very direct, yet disruptive way, putting forth those responsible of this inhumane and cruel treatment. We follow all the members of the crime ring: the young watcher on his bike, the enforcers in their car, the pimp on his sofa, the bouncers by the building and the madam in charge of the prostitutes. While they each control their territory, they take pleasure from the prostitute’s sexual relation. The key to this film lies in the role reversal, making those who derive pleasure from prostitution make sounds instead of she who has to fulfil the act.
For this film, casting was key in order to show the reality of prostitution today, which lies in its diversity. Indeed, prostitution knows no origin, class or age barriers. The first character, for example, looks like a soft-spoken student because many French students make money after school working for prostitution networks or by prostituting themselves in rich suburbs. All the people cast worked pro-bono for the NPO because they each had a connection to prostitution: one of the actors took a series of photographs about prostitution, the madam used to be a prostitute… The crime ring actors were cast for their capacity to produce believable groans of pleasure in front of the camera and their look, which helped create the disturbing atmosphere of the film.
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