Cannes Lions

Better with

AMV BBDO, London / PEPSI / 2023

Presentation Image






Pepsi Max is the UK’s favourite cola and the only cola stocked by food retailer, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Pepsi wanted to defend this position and key partnership with a brief to confidently remind their audience of their superiority as the best cola to choose with meals. This nationwide outdoor campaign with the brand’s unique tongue in cheek tone of voice asserted the message that food tastes, ‘Better with Pepsi’.


The Pepsi x KFC poster ‘hijack’ launched at over 200+ sites around the UK, leading to an estimated 55.4million impressions during the campaign period. At time of entry the campaign had reached an estimated 27.39% of the population and search data showed an uplift in searches for the combined term of KFC and Pepsi together of 277% (source: Google Trends).

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