Cannes Lions

BITCentenario: The Costa Rica of the Future


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During Costa Rica's Bicentennial in 2021 and amid a complex electoral context in 2022, a controversial president emerged, and young people (12-28 years) displayed political apathy. They expressed their discontent about the country's future on digital platforms like video games, Twitch, and Discord.

Facing this, Microsoft aimed to connect with Costa Rican youth, engaging them in future decisions and leaving a legacy. The goal was to attract 1,500 young people, offering a metaverse space to contribute and demonstrate their abilities to build a new vision of the country.

Microsoft sought a brand experience in 2022 to promote a better future, positioning youth as an active population while overcoming the innovation challenge using their own technologies to involve them in decision-making and creating solutions in their preferred language and interaction style.


"Microsoft BITCentenario: The Costa Rica of the Future" is a revolutionary brand experience that empowers young people to shape their political and social future. Addressing the disconnect between politics and youth, we transformed the Minecraft Metaverse into an activist platform, inviting young people to build the Costa Rica of tomorrow.

Fusing creativity and emerging technology, video games and youth communities, give voice to a generation eager to be heard. Virtual creations in metaverses, reflecting sustainability, equality and diversity, inspire real change driven by global brands.

BITCentenario celebrates the power of citizen engagement, collaboration and imagination, using Microsoft technology to catalyze change and unite youth in a common mission. This initiative demonstrates how video games and youth communities can make a social and political impact through immersive and organic experiences in their digital world, fusing technology and creativity to drive a brighter future.


Targeting disengaged Costa Rican Gen Z (13–28 years old), our strategy harnessed emerging technology and comfortable spaces like TikTok, Twitch, Discord, and video games, where they debated their country's future.

We launched BITCentenario, a Minecraft-based contest and brand activation, challenging participants to envision Costa Rica 200 years ahead upon vital issues. Our approach nurtured virtual community spaces for idea creation and justification, empowering youth to influence their nation.

Utilizing Microsoft's technology and key channels, we developed an immersive brand experience tailored to their preferred language and interaction, engaging and inspiring young minds to effectively contribute solutions. Our two-month campaign resonated, pushing national impact and amplifying their voices.

To showcase their creativity, we planned to compile participants' proposals, detailed in playbooks, into a digital book targeting those with the power to change the nation's course. This strategy captures our creative and tactical essence while emphasizing the campaign's innovation and lasting influence.


BITCentenario, a game and experience server, challenged the imagination of young people to visualize the country in 200 years. Throughout 2 months, we captured the attention of gen-z to build the best version of Costa Rica. 

We launched BITCentenario in youth-focused media and a powerful PR-strategy. Participants in the metaverse generated solutions in innovation, heritage, diversity, clean energy and sustainability on the Minecraft server. A Microsoft global jury selected the winners.

Also, challenged the perception of video-games and technology, demonstrating how young people, in their language, could transform Costa Rica. Their virtual proposals were materialized in a digital book delivered to deputies of the Congress, showing that young people do have an impact on the future of the country. 

With creativity, innovation, and a limited budget, BITCentenario transcended from brand activation to social movement, leaving a mark in the perception of young people and a metaverse inspired by dreaming big.


BITCentenario inspired young Costa Ricans to imagine their country in 200 years by revolutionizing Minecrafts metaverse. Exceeding our goal by 166%, we achieved, 4002 registered proposals and cultivated collaborative communities on the server. Over two months, streaming fueled the platform, transforming the concept into a youth-led movement.

We achieved over 50 local and international tier 1 media stories (La Nación, La República, AR Prensa, NCR Noticias, Telenoticias Canal 7,, Revista Suma, CRC 89.1, The New York Times in Spanish & Tech Crunch), generated $700,000 in free media, and reached 3.4million people through partnerships with gaming and geek-focused media (region gamer, revista yume, Comic-Con, Connecturday), and effective PR strategy. Twitch drew 25,000 young viewers, displaying their interest in Costa Rica's future during 144+ hours of streaming.

BITCentenario's impact extended beyond youth, reaching adults and political leaders. Congresswoman Johanna Obando partnered with Microsoft to introduce proposals from “The Costa Rica of the Future” into national political discussion. Through creativity and innovation, BITCentenario transcended from brand activation to social movement, amplifying Costa Rican youth voices in congress and showcasing the power of metaverse collaboration.

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