Cannes Lions

Blasfemia Brand Identity


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The world is full of prejudices. People are being judged on their gender, sexual orientation, political & religious thinking, and much more. Just as the world of wine is also full of prejudices because of its dogmas and rituals. Wine always comes in a bottle and is surrounded by lots of traditions related to that format. Wine in Argentina is to share, to smell and usually comes with a cork. All these traditions impacts on how consumers enjoy wine, what they think of it and where it is consumed. Is like if you don't know about wine you can't talk about wine, appears a fear around wine choosing. So, something that it's supposed to be part of a good moment becomes something too complex.


In Argentina, wine always comes in a bottle and is surrounded by lots of prejudices and dogmas. Here, wine is to share, to smell and comes with a cork, it’s just like that. ?So, launching a canned wine is a blasphemy. That’s why, from our format, we crack with all this, braking rules, dogmas and prejudices around wine’s world. Blasfemia is a can in a world of bottles with a different format for those who aren’t confortable with the traditional ones.

We wanted to reach a target that matched our brand and its positioning as a progressive product (canned wine) for this market. That’s why our focus was to get closer to progressive young adults and youth (mix gender/26-35 & mix gender/20-25), that were independent professionals, lived in Buenos Aires cool neighborhoods and,


We created an identity that responded to the positioning of our wine. We worked on a proposal that was aligned with the innovative nature of our format from the color, typography and illustration point of view, so that Blasfemia would stand out. For the illustrations we were inspired by artists who, like us, are not ruled by prejudice. The names and identities of our varieties respond to small everyday blasphemies that are usually questioned without any sense because of social constructions, are just based on prejudices, no one knows explain why; just as canned wine is questioned: ojotas con medias – Malbec Syrah” (flip-flops with socks), Jean con Jean – Rosado gasificado” (Canadian tuxedo)  and ”Cortar el spaghetti - Chenin Torrontes” (to cut the spaghetti). And we even make a declaration of principles, our minifiestos in the back label, that explain why we choose each blasphemy and clearly express


Our packaging is one of the main three reasons of purchase.

-Purchase Intention: 78% (At Pre-seed canned wine general PI was 34%. Source: Pre-seed Consumer Survey, n= 1555 - Seed Consumer Survey, n=478) 

-Reorder rate: 60% (target 30%. Source: Cognos AC FY20)

-In our target audience: the NPS at the end of 2020 was 41% (target benchmark 30%)

-Buyers: 3257 POS. (target 250. Source: Cognos, unique buyers AC FY20.) 

-The impact and scope of the brand in Argentina exceeded initial expectations by far and led to the regional launch in 2021.

-A brand created in a creative studio that became a regional business.

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