Cannes Lions
GTB BRASIL, Sao Paulo / FORD / 2018
We’ve installed 150.000 led light bulbs in a dark section of a famous Brazilian road and gave the traditional Christmas lights a new purpose: to improve security for truck drivers.
We’ve built a big Christmas decor in a dark section of a famous Brazilian road. 150.000 led light bulbs were installed around the beginning of December. By that time, everyone who drove there saw by the massage: Ford Trucks wishes you a safe and happy Christmas.
On social media, an emotional video presented the Bright Road and informed the exactly place where it was.
The Bright Road had a huge emotional impact on truck drivers. Many of them shared their own personal experiences, describing how it felt to work on Christmas Eve and all the risks it took. At the time, Ford Truck’s social media pages were flooded by incredible stories.
We also had:
• 97% of brand favorability
• 10M of reach
• + 80% local tourism
• zero accidents registered
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