Cannes Lions

Bring Back 2011

WAVEMAKER, Mumbai / OREO / 2023

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Oreo is a well-established global brand with a legacy of over 100 years. In a highly competitive biscuits market, Oreo's objective was to reinstate the brand's promise to strengthen its play by inspiring playful moments and bring people together. This translating into business task of driving sales uplift of 6% vs. previous quarter and boosting penetration by 0.5pp.

One of the largest events where families in India come together, apart from festivals is Cricket specifically IPL or World cup. Cricket is a popular passion point among Oreo's target audience, families with children, as they tend to watch the sport together.

With many brands from around the world partnering with teams and players, the task was to make Oreo stand out without incurring high sponsorship costs.


We have seen the increase in Social chatter during cricketing tournament, particularly during big events like the World Cup. While fans are glued to their screens for live action, social media is where they come together to share and connect with the rush of the game.

While we couldn't invest in Paid Media, our Strategy was to hijack conversations happening online. Deploying marketing tactics to build high engagement among fans, inspire positive sentiment and consumer interactions around World Cup.

Once the connection between Oreo Launch and World Cup was made, people would automatically attribute any India win to Oreo being relaunched.

We leveraged the huge fandom of our former captain of the Indian Cricket Team MS Dhoni, who also happens to be Oreo's brand ambassador.

The intent here was to encourage the audience to join MS Dhoni pledge to ‘Bring Back 2011’ and secure another win for India.


Our campaign began with a post from Dhoni's handle, about going Live on YT, without any brand mention. This created curiosity among consumers and news publications with numerous speculations.

On YT Live, Dhoni announced the relaunch of Oreo, revealing a connection between Oreo & World Cup. In 2011,Oreo launched in India, same year India won the World Cup. Thus, Oreo encouraged its users to share their 2011 routine.

Cricketers who played 2011 tournament, recreated their old pre-match routines, getting the same haircuts, watching the same films and listening to the same music they did over 10 years ago.

We collaborated with Times of India to recreate their 2011 front page celebrating the win, restaurants relaunched their 2011 menus, a fan even replicated his 2011 tattoo! all in the name of supporting Team India.


The campaign generated an astounding 2.6 billion impressions and 12 million views on MS Dhoni videos.

We collaborated with the exclusive streaming partner for Cricket World Cup-Hotstar which generated 12.3Mn impressions and 26.5Mn reach,1.5 times higher than targets.

The campaign earned 247 organic news references & 19.5 million social media engagements, four times more than anticipated.

Oreo organically trended on Twitter during matches,even when India was not playing.

The BringBack2011 campaign helped boost sales growth by 12%, 2X higher than planned.0.5%pts increase in penetration.

Brand Consideration scores grew by 3pts.

195Mn earned impressions valued at $30Mn in earned media which is the highest kind of ROI for any media campaign, was BringBack2011's defining accomplishment.

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