Cannes Lions

Budweiser Metallica Brew

ANOMALY, Toronto / LABATT / 2016

Case Film
Presentation Image
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Budweiser has remained stubbornly unchanged for 137 years. It occurred to us, to be truly disruptive, and make Budweiser and music synonymous we might have to change that.

Armed with the scientific truth that sonic vibrations affect matter at the molecular level, our idea was to literally infuse the music the fans love so much into their Budweiser.

To make it happen, we partnered with one of the bands that French Canadians are most fanatical about -- Metallica -– and hosted a stadium concert. Here we Harnessed Metallica’s music and channelled the sonic vibrations, first directly into kegs, placed throughout the arena and encased in specially designed speaker arrays; and then out to a 48 foot Budweiser tanker clad with massive speakers and infused live Metallica into Quebec’s number one beer

Introducing Budweiser Metallica Brew. Bringing the Kings of Metal and the King of Beers together like never before.


For the execution we worked with Metallica to create both Budweiser Metallica Brew and the content that would tell the world about it. On the night of the opening of the Videotron centre kegs of Budweiser were placed throughout the Arena. Each surrounded by a specially designed speaker array connected to the stage, pumping the live set directly into the Budweiser inside. Outside of the Arena a 48-foot tanker of Budweiser was fitted with oversized speakers that infused Metallica’s live rifs right into the Budweiser inside.

The concert was captured – from the band’s pre-show rituals to the encore - along with the effect that Metallica’s music had on the Budweiser that was infused. This footage was used to create a content video that was shared out via social media.

The limited edition Budweiser Metallica Brew was then packaged in specially designed Budweiser Metallica Brew packaging and sold across Quebec.


Need to add (not sure the Labatt CEA award info is right for Cannes)

Might be cool to have some anecdotes about reaching far beyond Quebec (Int’l etc)

Market Share: 2.9 pts

Saliency in Quebec: +97 pts vs. LM

Brand Love: +0.6 pts vs. LM

Total Trade Savings vs. PTC: $250K

Value of Quebecor/PR: +$350K

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