Cannes Lions


EXIT FILMS, Melbourne / FORD / 2013

Case Film
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Two cane toads sit on a road at night enjoying the scenery whilst discussing the finer matters of modern cane toad life, love and the universe. Things take a turn for the worst when some innocent psychedelic camaraderie gets out of hand.


The toad's designs are based on real cane toads and were re-created as lifelike animatronic puppets.Each toad required 2 puppeteers each, one person controlling the body movement and the other controlling the mouth movements.The puppets were covered in lubricant to create the slimey texture and shaving cream / lubricant were mixed together to create the toads white toxic excretion. The toads were built in a larger scale and a fake elevated road was built to hide and allow the puppeteers to control the puppets from beneath with wires and pulleys.The performances were run as single takes synced to a pre-recorded dialogue. Exploding guts were created with an air compressor, fish guts and crushed tomatoes which were composited along with a plastic bag of guts being run over by the car. It was shot on location at night to give a realistic look to the backgrounds and to allow shooting of the wide shots. The key to the success was assigning certain character traits to each toad which was represented by movement, posture and dialogue delivery.The main obstacle we encountered was keeping the toad puppets sufficiently lubricated in the cold night air.

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