Cannes Lions




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CNN has created a Social Network for News. This platform is called iReport. Consumers share their experiences, pictures and videos of current news events and engage with the experiences of the rest of the iReport community.

This sharing of content is driven by a combination of proactive uploads and assignments set on iReport by the editorial team. iReport gives everyone a voice and an opportunity to tell their story. These stories can range from a review of a new mobile product to video footage of a breaking news situation. During the 2011 Iranian elections, when all international media had been ejected from the country, iReporters continued to tell the story.

To date, iReport has over 1 million active users logging around 500+ iReports a day and 50,300 have been featured within CNN editorial. An iReport has been logged from every country in the world.

Advancements in mobile technology as enabled everyone to become a news gatherer and share high quality images and videos instantly. This is why CNN partnered with Nokia to produce a new generation CNN app for Windows.

The app is downloaded from the Windows market place for free and the iReport section can be pinned to the start. Click on the pin and the app automatically opens the camera phone to reveal a unique iReport overlay. Within this overlay the user can browse local iReport assignments and log images and video footage without leaving the camera screen. For live action, every time the user clicks to take a picture the app will automatically cache 3 more images to ensure the perfect shot is never lost. One click to take a picture, one click to chose an assignment, one click to upload straight to iReport.Since the launch of this app, in mid February 2012, there is been 21,000 global downloads. Half of the apps downloaded have been pinned to the users start page. The user reviews have given the app a rating an average rating 4.5 out of 5 stars.

“The Windows platform and Nokia phones will enable millions of people to plug in using the CNN app and interact with the world - where, when and how they want." Louis Gump, Vice President of CNN Mobile

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