Cannes Lions

Credit Her


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At Facebook we believe that all people are created equally, and should be employed equally.

But women are not shown as leaders in the media and in advertising. 3% of TV advertisements show women in leadership, managerial or aspirational roles. In addition to unequal compensation.

This reinforces the norm that women are not leaders, furthering barriers to women’s leadership in society.

So for International Women’s Day, we wanted to establish female leadership as the new social norm. So we worked off the brief: when women lead, everyone progresses.

As the largest social platform in history, we used Facebook to portray women leaders who have previously gone uncredited and held back from achieving gender equality. To create the largest public conversation in history about equality. Because true equality will never be achieved until women are seen as leaders.


Throughout history, many accomplished women have gone uncredited for their achievements. So for International Women’s Day, we created a campaign to shine a light on these women and their contributions – to Credit Her.

Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu discovered the Law of Parity but didn’t get credit for it. Big Mama Thornton sang Hound Dog – before Elvis. And Billie Jean King pioneered the fight for pay equality. We told their inspirational stories in film.

And on Facebook, we transformed that inspiration into action by providing tools to over 2 billion people to credit the women in their own lives.

And on International Women’s Day, as our friends and family recognized the leadership of women, we scrolled through our news feeds seeing story after story of female leadership. Leaving people with a new image of leadership, defined by the ways women lead in every aspect of life.


We gathered data from the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report, the UN’s Women’s Economic Empowerment Report, and a Unilever CPG industry audit to identify a new strategy to counteract gender inequality: when women lead, everyone progresses.

So we assembled a women-led production team and tracked down the untold stories of uncredited female leaders throughout history.

Our International Women’s Day film was boosted and targeted at 213 million people - everyone following Facebook’s Facebook page. And we used interest based targeting for our shorter films. Meaning, we targeted our creative to adults 18-65 interested in the fields that the women in our fields studied. For example, the Billie Jean King film was targeted to people interested in sports.

This approach used the largest social stage in history to amplify our message.


We created an online film that told stories of uncredited women throughout history. And we launched it on International Women’s Day on Facebook.

Aside from the online film, we created carousel ads, short-form online films, and a product experience that allowed two billion people on Facebook to…Credit Her.

We created social cards, picture frames, and Women’s Day themed-posts that anyone could use to credit an accomplished woman in their life.


Reach: 97M

• Engagement: 46M post engagements – 45% of users exposed to our carousel ads lead to a meaningful action (click, comment, share, react) on the ads.

• Sales: N/A

• Achievement against business targets: We saw improvements in our product experience share rate – 11.4M people shared the experience (+1M vs. 2017)!

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