Cannes Lions


McCANN WORLDGROUP, Bangkok / LG / 2013

Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film
Case Film
Case Film
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The LG cinema 3D TV has the newest 3D technology that can be watch from every angle. But most people were unaware of this information. The task is to get people to experience this LG cinema 3D TV.

In Thailand's television market, LG cinema 3D TV has the newest 3D TV technology. But most people were unaware of this information. Therefore we created a new way to convince consumers to the information. We decided to use one living thing that never lies to us... dogs.

The "DOGS NEVER LIE" idea started from one of thai culture beliefs; dogs are men's best friends. We did the experiment event by letting the dogs watch LG cinema 3D TV.

We set up our TV in a park used by dog-walkers and asked the dogs whether they would like to take part. The 3D TV screened the various video footage to get the dogs' attention. The people who passed by the event also enjoyed and interested as well.

We recorded the experiment event and shared them across the social media. The videos became well known quickly and people were be able to research information online about LG 3D TV on the Internet before hitting the stores.

• The video from the event was uploaded into an online video. The video reached more than 400,000 views within the first two weeks.

• A lot of viewers from the event became free PR for the campaign by uploaded pictures and videos across social media. This free media can be estimated approximately more than 1,500,000 THB.

• One of the best TV news program in Thailand broadcast the video with no cost.

• The number of the visitors who has experienced the LG cinema 3D TV has increased more than 32% in retail store.

• The video has caught LG South Korea’s attention. Now the video is displaying in all LG stores in South Korea.


• The video from the event was uploaded into an online video. The video reached more than 400,000 views within the first two weeks.

• A lot of viewers from the event became free PR for the campaign by uploaded pictures and videos across social media. This free media can be estimated approximately more than 1,500,000 THB.

• One of the best TV news program in Thailand broadcast the video with no cost.

• The number of the visitors who has experienced the LG cinema 3D TV has increased more than 32% in retail store.

• The video has caught LG South Korea’s attention. Now the video is displaying in all LG stores in South Korea.

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