Cannes Lions

Doing Well by Doing Good


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CNBC Catalyst developed a multi-platform, global campaign called ‘Doing Well By Doing Good’ (DWBDG), aligned to the UN’s 17 SDGs. Chapter launches coincided with the UN’s global calendar e.g. CNBC’s Life Below Water: Oceans of Opportunity launched on World Oceans Day 8 June 2017. Each immersive chapter highlights: the SDG/global need; an innovator/entrepreneur striving to meet the SDG and UBS thought-leadership on investment opportunity. Activity comprises video, thought-leadership articles, investment analysis plus interactive infographics, podcasts and whitepapers. Video contributors include world-famous ambassadors e.g. Matt Damon for SDG Clean Water; global entrepreneurs e.g. Boyan Slat, The Ocean Clean Up; UBS Global Visionaries e.g. Nishan Degnarain, WEF Special Advisor on Oceans. Mashable created social investment and entrepreneurial listicals/articles, Facebook and Twitter posts. The publisher engaged its worldwide audience via the live Biz Chat platform and by hosting a global UN/Mashable Social Good Summit in NYC, Sept 2017.


CNBC Catalyst’s DWBDG hub (17 SDG chapters) and PR activity launched on 08.06.17 across CNBC TV (EMEA, ASIA, US feeds), digital ( and social (CNBC Facebook/Twitter) platforms. Mashable launched articles, video and social activity across Facebook/Twitter platforms including core news, Mashable UK, Business, Future Shift, Social Good and Brand X accounts. With potential reach/scale of 75M global monthly unique visitors; 48M social followers; 1.1BN monthly content views, Mashable supported stories for 3 x selected CNBC chapters – Decent Work and Economic Growth; Partnerships for the Goals and Life Below Water.

As each chapter rolled out (until 31.03.18), CNBC placements included: TV – 30/60 second spots; – 60 videos, thought-leadership articles; infographics; home page takeovers; co-branded banners; MPUs; mobile display leaderboards; 30 second pre-roll videos aligned to relevant core editorial CNBC news; Facebook/Twitter posts plus immersive NBC Universal VOX Athena units. Scale: CNBC activity reached 7.1M HNWI; 273.5M global households.


As the world’s no.1 business and financial news network, CNBC and commercial subsidiary CNBC Catalyst uphold the highest standards of content quality and integrity. Each CNBC Catalyst SDG video featured an exclusive influencer, worldwide, credible entrepreneurs, UBS leadership experts, global visionaries and robust investment data.

Media output coverage was vast and high quality - quantity stats: 30 logos; 70+ online ads incl video formats; 22 thought-leadership articles; 19 videos; 4 podcasts; 63K+ lines of code.

Total CNBC Catalyst activity exceeded KPIs: video plays – target: 850K, actual: 2,153,473 (253%); content page views – target: 220K, actual: 548,265 (140%). CNBC reach: 7.1M investors/274 households. The total DWBDG campaign achieved 62.6M impressions.

The core objectives of DWBDG - to increase UBS brand familiarity and favourability – were measured via GlobalWebIndex. 1,140 online quantitative interviews revealed: 22% increase in UBS brand familiarity; 71% increase in favorability. GWI respondents commented “The campaign highlights that sustainability can be achieved together.”

85% of CNBC respondents from a CNBC Catalyst Viewer Connect study agreed “I am more interested in the SDGs and sustainable investment” as a result of viewing DWBDG.

Together with Mashable’s activity across core platforms, Facebook, Twitter and Social Good Summit, we delivered to UBS a combined 1,393 quality investment leads.

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