Cannes Lions
VENABLES BELL & PARTNERS, San Francisco / HBO / 2006
We wanted to create a concept that was an extension of the interactive print (the OZ 5 Sticker Insert), and adapt it to the medium, which for this were handouts from street teams. Concept was developed with a lottery ticket style scratch-off idea, where users must rub off each square to find out their chances for survival in OZ. And no matter where they turn, it's an outcome that they would never want to experience.
Though new season sales are typically slower to start off than the previous season (this is true across most of HBO’s series), sales for OZ Season 5 in the first week were outpacing OZ 4, which could be attributed to use of the print impact units. Second, according to Nielsen Videoscan, OZ Season 1 sales more than doubled during the first week of the OZ 5 release, indicating a positive halo from the Season 5 advertising.
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