Cannes Lions
DDB TRIBAL GROUP, Dusseldorf / EBAY / 2013
The spot is spoken by a computer voice.
The job advertisements were part of a larger campaign that otherwise relied on traditional media like print and radio. They added an easy response mechanism, simply due to the fact that they are job advertisements.
And simply due to the fact that our requirements towards future “employers” were so low, we made the responsive elements available for everybody. This way, we could more than prove that really everybody can become a seller at eBay. We activated people to do so.
Some people even think the ads are funny. Which might be a bonus.
During the campaign, the job advertisements were a part of, more than 100,000 additional sellers were activated in just 12 weeks. Our conversion rate more than tripled. And new listings rose from 0.48% to 1.81% in terms of GMV.
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