Cannes Lions

Equality Time


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People seem blind and careless about gender gap mostly because they are used to live with this problem and statistics are hard to translate in common examples so people can empathize with women to change this reality.

During the International Women’s Day, Inca Kola wanted to generate awareness of this problem. Integrating the main sources of statistics Inei (National Institute of Statistics and Information), Public Ministry and Ministry of Women. Translating, simplifying and visualization of the most important statistics around gender gap in Peru, helping people relate easily with them because for Inca Kola the time for equality is now.

That led to the idea Equality Time, since the 70’s Inca Kola gives in the radio the national time, using this brand asset and the clock format in a total innovative way, transforming regular statistics in to hour format, 1440 minutes of statistics all day long for example:

1: 35 Only 1 out of 35 government officials in Peru is a female.

Using the most common and familiar numeric format every single person can read, it was the vehicle to deliver in a easy way through a efficient media ecosystem radio, outdoor, social media and a website the message.


The idea took place march 8 in context of the International Women’s Day. The first step was gathering the reports released of public access to understand how much information was available. By the time the sources were verified, there was a need to curate the information at the end 1440 statistics were used by relevance and interpretation viability in to an hour format. The center of the idea was the website with a big clock that hosted all minutes and changed minute by minute allowing people share statistics, then in radio where 30 different spots placed just after the Inca Kola hour appearance, digital billboards that change constantly and social media post that helped the idea gain awareness and drive traffic to the website.


Data integration, simplification and visualization helped the idea achieved great results:

- In just one day action we reached 20 Million media impressions.

- The brand daily conversation grew 1225% compared to the average of the last trimester.

- 44% of organic traffic to the website

- The idea became national trending topic

- The media investment multiplied by 10 times in Free Press

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