Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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Economic violence is often the first manifestation of domestic violence:

expenditure control, economic blackmail, deprivation of resources. . . they take various forms but remain too little identified and recognized because they are often masked by verbal, psychological, physical, sexual or administrative abuse.

The Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femme (FNSF) and its national hotline for women (3919), partnered with the agency to mobilize and raise awareness of the world’s largest the impact of this type of violence.

EyeMoney, the app that embodies economic violence far from the existing campaigns against domestic violence, here it was a question of materializing

economic violence, in order to denounce its insidious nature.

To this end, we have designed a campaign featuring a fictitious app:

EyeMoney. Modern, practical and benevolent in appearance, it offers men in

control their spouse’s money and deprive them of their resources with one click.


Most campaigns against violence against women, are violent themselves. But it doesn't leave a mark on the minds.

The idea here is to put the audience in a light, friendly and relaxed context to shock even more.

The film shows the use of a fictional app as all uses do: watching is simple, it's great. . . none of the actors scream, are demonstrative or violent and yet they make you feel uncomfortable.

It is insidiously that they explain to us in turn how they decide, deprive or force their wives.

It is by keeping this detached and simply demonstrative tone that the campaign marks the minds, it is the embarrassment caused by simple men, ordinary in their daily lives without even showing women that we shock and disturb but also that we mark.


Economic violence is insidious, silent and often overlooked.

They are often difficult to identify and are often the precursors of physical violence, aggravating the strategy of control of the perpetrator over the victim. Economic violence is domestic violence. Control of spending, deprivation of resources, economic blackmail. . . , these acts of violence have many facets but are not little recognized. Solidarité Femmes is committed to making them more visible through this new multimedia campaign.

How to alert and sensitize and mark consciences to this silent and invisible violence. React the media and have a strong voice.

To better talk about it, and to shock, we decided to do something normal with it, as we click and navigate on our phone easily why not regulate our wife's expenses. Of course there's an app for that! It's the creation of this fake app that's the key tool of the campaign.


On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of 3919 and 25 November, the International Day to Combat Violence against Women, the Fédération nationale Solidarité Femmes unveils its communication campaign to raise awareness of economic violence.

The French national channels relayed the campaign for 3 weeks.

It was also widely disseminated on social networks and radio.

Broadcast prime time : France tv, TF1, NRJ, Europe 1, Virgin Radio, RFM (national channel)


Timing : Client Brief : May 2022 >> Media : Novembre 2022

If the 3919 (Solidarité Femmes) is known to be the national number against violence against women, it had to publicize economic violence and its action to combat it. Finally, we talk about economic violence :

•+6 millions of view

•The spots will be broadcast on a large number of media, for which we thank the first interested : France tv, TF1, NRJ, Europe 1, Virgin Radio, RFM (national channel)

• 130K€ donation raised

• +350% of call on 3919 Solidarité Femmes on a day

• Proof of engagement: +848 284 view, +70 000 interactions (share, likes, comments)

• Media results: +20 000 visites on landing page

• Earned media: Néon, La Réclame, Créapills...

• In response to the EyeMoney campaign aimed, the BNP Bank Group established an advocacy programme to fight bank violence against women.

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