Cannes Lions

Fashion Exclusive: Tissues hit center stage this Fall/Winter

OMD CHINA, Guangzhou / TEMPO / 2016

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Case Film






What do Chinese women care about when it comes to tissues? Brand? No. Durability? No. Package Design? No. They simply don’t care what kind of tissues they are using; they only care about the purse in which they carry them! Women are proud to show off who they are through the purse they carry and the clothes they wear: what they really care about is being on trend.

What if we made Tempo… fashionable?

Our idea? Fashion Exclusive: Tissues hit center stage this Fall/Winter

In Fall-Winter of 2015, tissues would replace statement scarves and bags as the fashion item of the season, and Tempo would become the new must-have fashion brand.


We needed to make Tempo top of mind for China’s fashion conscious, fast! Taking Tempo to Paris Fashion Week, fashion-lovers could read exclusive trend updates through Tempo’s customized fashion page on Rayli’s site.

But what’s a fashion brand without a celebrity fashionista catching attention? We made Chen Ran the face of Tempo. Via online videos, she took Tempo to Paris, the world’s fashion capital! Chen Ran interviewed Parisian fashion designers to discover their inspirations. She even asked some to paint on Tempo’s durable tissues as canvas!

Our Parisian fashion connection exploded back into China. Fashion-conscious Chinese women commented about Tempo on Rayli’s influential social media, bought Tempo-Paris tissue packs and even played our Parisian artist-inspired H5 game! Setting the new Fall/Winter trend for 2015, we even created “How to” videos that featured using Tempo as fashion accessories inspiring women to experiment with their own take on Tempo’s tissue fashion!


With our minimal budget and clever media strategy, we transformed Tempo into a brand that Chinese women were proud to carry, just like her purse or designer clothes! Brand interest rose massively: during Paris Fashion Week, Tempo’s search volume increased by 30%, a bigger increase in buzz than major fashion brands like DKNY, Dolce & Gabbana and even Fendi!

Consumers started thinking about Tempo’s tissues as a fashion item and numerous social media comments focused on Tempo’s quality and their intent to buy the brand. This intent converted – Tempo saw a huge sales increase of 1,825% YOY for October which contributed to an overall increase of 115% in sales for the year!

Achieving impressive click-through-rates of 0.52% (almost 2x industry benchmark!) on mobile and 0.28% on PC (also above industry average), our campaign surpassed every KPI, and Tempo as a fashion brand reached over 102 million views (impressions).

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