Cannes Lions









In a huge step forward for human rights, the Australian Federal Government recently reformed 85 laws to give equality to same-sex couples. The problem with law is that it’s often dull and difficult to understand. So using Government funding, our brief was to explain the 85 law reforms to around 24,000 same-sex couples. Our objective was to drive them online to learn more and share the celebration across Australia.Our campaign had three challenges: 1. Explain 85 complex law reforms in a way that would inspire people to get online 2. Speak to a diverse national target market, aged 16 – 80. 3. Recruit 85 artists and designers, plus 85 ambassadors.All with a $53K budget. Enough for a website.Our idea was to turn each of the complex law reforms into something everyone could wear with pride. A T-shirt.

85 same-sex law reforms. 85 T-shirts. WEAR IT WITH PRIDE.


With a small budget, we harnessed the power of influential people, to reach our objectives. Before WEAR IT WITH PRIDE even launched, we had over 150 artists,celebrities and activists boosting our reach. First leading artists translated the law reforms into 85 T-Shirts, then famous Australians joined to champion both a reform and a T-shirt. All promoted their involvement through their substantial social networks. Australia's favourite popstar donated a video clip, which we shot featuring community activists, and seeded through mainstream and social channels. Championed by artists, celebrities and activists, our launch sent our social buzz mainstream, around the world Every channel drove people online to get educated, get the T-shirts and become our human billboards. Each T-shirt empowered the wearer to start reform conversations, organically multiplying our reach e.g.:Q: What's your T-shirt about?A: It's celebrating the new equal immigration rights for same-sex couples. There's 85 new reforms, find out which ones fit you.


WEAR IT WITH PRIDE set many precedents. The idea was unanimously approved by 35 Government and community stakeholders. In addition, the core of the idea did not change over the 8 month development period from pitch, through research to campaign execution. In just 4 weeks WEAR IT WITH PRIDE has redefined what’s possible for a Government-funded campaign:- Campaign seen 37.5 million times in Australia and overseas - ROI 6126%, $3.247 million - Initial PR value $2.7 million - Number 9 single on iTunes, 3rd favourite daily YouTube video - 31,000 unique site visits, average of 1 every 3 minutes - One T-shirt sold online every hour - 4.20 mins on site, 5.89 page views, 620% more than average education website - Thousands of human billboards now generating millions of law reform conversations across Australia

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